Mrs. Buddenhagen was my art teacher at School #68 in Buffalo, NY in the early to mid 1970's. I remember that she was a southpaw and had incredible artistic talent! I had (and have) absolutely none! So she was very patient and generous to me as I recall. It also comes to mind that at the end of one school year she left as Miss Zander, and returned at the start of the new school year as Mrs. Buddenhagen. When you disrupted her class, she would not make you write a sentence 100 times like most teachers did. She'd make you write one long paragraph 50 or more times! It was excruciating!
I only just found out about my former art teacher's passing today while reading the paper. I sure would have made every effort to make the memorial service yesterday had I known of it. Mrs. B, I will never forget you. You were a wonderful teacher! Your room was on the first floor and you made a fantastic impression on your students. You will surely be missed! My sincere condolences to your entire family.