Don and I were close friends many years ago in Los Angeles. He,Loma ,Peggy (my wife of 40 years , I lost her to Cancer 3 years ago) were inseparable.We were a foursome and Don was the mentor in my life . He is responsible for the man I grew to be . He taught me CLASS & STYLE and how to grow, I am then and now eternally greatfull to him for all he did for me . Over the years I have thought of him often and will continue to do so . May his sole be at peace I Love you. C W
To the Alexander family and friends please accept my deepest condolences for the loss of your loved one Donald. During Jesus Christ Ministry his friend Lazarus had fallen asleep in death Jesus shedded tears minutes later he called to Lazarus to come out of the Tomb that he had been laid to rest in for 4 days John 11: 11-44. This foreshadowed what Jesus Christ will do very soon he will call the loved ones we have lost in death will answer awakened from the sleep of death John 5:28,29, right here on a brand new Paradise Earth no more sickness pain or death Life Without End Revelation 21: 1-5.