Dear Kay and Mitch and the entire Fiegl family,
Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of Stephen, your brother, brother-in-law, uncle.
May you and your families be blessed and comforted during this time of grief. I am so sorry for your loss.
Mary McCarthy
Steve and I grew up in the same neighborhood and were good friends. We played every sport imaginable, even tetherball. He was a damn good athlete, humble and strong. Steve and the entire Fiegl family represent what is truly good in this world. May God rest Steve's soul. Peace.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family
Dear Kay and the entire Fiegl family,
How saddened I was to read that Steve had passed. It doesn't seem like long ago that he and my brother Mike were goofing around in the old neighborhood. Steve was such a nice person and we all have fond memories of him. May you be comforted during these difficult days by your own memories and by his presence in your hearts. I'm sure that he's at peace now. My deepest sympathies to all.
Mary Sullivan
Dear Fiegl Family,
Sincere sympathy on the loss of Steven. How difficult this must be for all of you. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Karen Drilling