Harry and Jan, Your dad as well as you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Don and Rae
Uncle Harry and Aunt Ione came to my apartment in Orlando. That night, we went out on the town to Church Street Station. Uncle Harry filmed the event. We all had a good time. However, on the way home, we got stuck in traffic for over an hour. Then, we stayed up all night trying to blow up an air mattress. The three of us took turns blowing air into the mattress, but the air kept escaping because we were laughing so hard. Good Times
To Aunt Ione, Kim, Jan and family I will miss my Uncle Harry. He was the leader of our family since March 11, 1968 when Grandpa Slocum died. I could always go to him for advice and support. I am sure there is a big reunion going on in heaven. Love, Mary Jane
Harry and Jan, When sadness fills our heats, sometimes we must believe what we can't see. May God show you the way to peace. Our deepest sympathy to you and your family at this very difficult time. Peace, Love and Joy, Paul & Ginger
To Aunt Ione, Kim & family. There are no words to discribe this heart-break. Uncle Harry was so, and always will be very special to me. We were very lucky to have had such a great uncle in our lives. Kim & Janet, you two are angels. All my love & prayers, Chris