My prayers go out to the entire Wyant family after learning of Kim departing to be with the Lord. This is just a temporary separation because you will see her again. I ask for God's Holy Spirit to comfort you and may His presence surround you and keep you and sustain you during this tremendous loss. Jesus sees every tear and every heartache. Jesus knows all about pain and suffering. God raised Jesus up and God will raise Kim up also at the return of Christ. I worked with Kim when I was first hired at my current employment. Kim was the kindest, sweetest person at work who taught me so much every time that I asked her to help me at my new job. She was so patient, considerate, friendly and super excellent in everything she did. She made me laugh, and she had a great sense of humor. We were both animal lovers, so she would tell me about her dog she loved. Please be assured that when Jesus Christ returns to this earth that you will be united with Kim again for eternity. The Lord keeps a book of our lives. He keeps track of everything we do and everyone we help and every person we are kind to, and Kimberly Wyant was proof of His love on this earth in His book about her. When you see her again, there will be no more sadness, no more grief, no more illness, only victory over death like the Bible promises us. I have suffered some of the greatest tragedies in my life and learned so much about grief, loss of immediate family members, loss of my son, etc. and I know the best times are yet to come. Thank you for the gift of your beloved Kim and I thank God for the honor of knowing her.