Don will always be a part of my journey. I can easily recall his impish eyes and his Dylan/ Cohenish voice. His bearded face put me in mind of a cross between a distinguished Father Christmas and a gentle Santa Claus. His eyes were full of love and amazement whenever he gazed at Laurie. During conversations with Don, his prankster humor would dominate. I could rarely distinguish fact from fiction. His ability to think in multiple dimensions helped me develop an idea for a more efficient foot-pedal for my bass drum. I was delighted at his ability to free-form in conversations using generative thought to fly from the concrete to abstract in an instant. Playing music with Don was a gift I will always cherish. I was just beginning to experience another form with which Don was able to express himself; both with his guitar and his voice. Although he seemed to approach music with a steady, understated style, the rebel in him would occasionally shine through. I will keep Don in my heart as I continue on my Journey; both missing him and relying on him along my way.
Thank You Don, Susan Valentine
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Recently I lost my dear
mother, and found great comfort in the Holy Bible, like at
Isaiah 25 verse 8 - "The Sovereign Lord will swallow up
death forever, and wipe away the tears from all faces."
For more comfort, I turn to the website at:
(Search: Comfort)