A year has almost past since you lost your Mom and I just wanted to let you know that I will continue to carry her in my heart and memory always. Her picture here brings me happiness and I can see in her face her face so many years back. What a great teacher, what a nice person, what a positive influence. Thinking of you, Kathy Tobin
I have such fond memories of my years at Campus School, from kindergarten to 12th grade and your Mom. She was a wonderful teacher and a delightful person. I can still hear her sharing little things about you children. She loved you so very, very much. She instilled in me the basics of cooking, an area that my Mom did not really enjoy and she respected that I had already had sewing lessons and let me tool along at my own speed. I have thought about her many, many times through the years and I will continue to carry her in my heart. I was very close with my own Mom and lost her 5 years ago, so my heart goes out to you with special care for your loss.
Our memories of Mrs. Conroy go back to the Campus School and what a friendly, gracious and fine teacher she was. Please accept our condolences--and enjoy all your wonderful memories. The Unher Family
John and I met your mom only a few times. We are very sorry for your loss. She was very gracious lady. Your whole family showed compassion in her final years while providing excellent care to her. I know that she will be missed by all of you.