Lois S. Idzak
1928 - 2019
Dave, Bonney, and Tanya
I was so sorry I was unable to be with you at your Mom's visitation and funeral. I was doing what she and I had done together for many years, attending the Synod Assembly for the church.
Your Mother, was indeed an incredible person, loved and loving, and giving much of herself to those around her for the benefit of all.
My Condolences again, I know that between you have volumes of stories, and memories that will keep her around for a long time.
Love and God Bless
George Roeser
Lois was one of my favorites. Every time I had the pleasure of being in her company I would find myself seeking out her wisdom regarding religion, politics and every day life. She was always so positive and full of life and love. Her love for her grandchildren that I knew, Maggie, Katie and Brian was so apparent that when they walked into a room she was in, the smile that was already on her face just got bigger and brighter. She loved to watch them do ballet, cheer, play sports and shine bright. She always seemed so happy to see me and our time working together at polling locations during elections when I was in high school will never be forgotten. The world was better because she was here and will continue to be great because of the mark she has left on it. So much love to Tonya and her family and many prayers to all that had the pleasure to know and love Lois.